What's the flavour difference between traditional and cultivated rums?

Rum is an incredible varied and dynamic spirits category, with lots of variation and variety of flavour.

For molasses rums the taste we are most familiar with in Australia is characterized by heavy and sweet notes of sticky toffee and vanilla for dark aged rums, while white rums usually have a very light flavour profile.

By comparison, cultivated rums are vibrant, complex and fruity. They tend to have an earthy or grassy character and are typically dry rather than sweet.

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What is "Cultivated Australian Rum"?

When we set about creating a new style of Australian rum, we naturally wanted to learn from the success of these prestige international spirits.

To that end we registered a trademark with IP Australia and a set of rules that define where and how rum can be made to called Cultivated Australian Rum.

In essence, the rum must be made from 100% fresh cane juice of known cane varieties in a Recognised Australian Cane Growing Region between Grafton, NSW and Mossman, QLD.

It must be unadulterated with no added sugar, flavours, spices or additives.

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